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Animal Care and Veterinary Nursing: Web Resources

Key Websites

Information from the New Zealand government, professional associations and organisations.

Government Websites

Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand has information on Animal bites and Tetanus


Ministry for Primary Industries has information on New Zealand Animal Welfare and the management of animal welfare policy and practice.


Professional Associations and Organisations

New Zealand

Companion Animals New Zealand is a national organisation representing a diverse range of animal welfare groups, with the aim of being a forum for the facilitation of a harmonious relationship between companion animals, people and the environment.

New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association promotes the profession of veterinary nursing in New Zealand. It provides Information, advice, and professional development.

New Zealand Veterinary Association  promotes excellence in the veterinary profession.

Vet Futures Aotearoa is an industry-wide response to the need to ensure a sustainable future for veterinary professionals. 

SPCA (Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Incorporated) supports animals who are sick, injured, lost, abused, or abandoned.

SPCA Wellington Centre 


Veterinary Council of New Zealand is the organisation that regulates the veterinary profession.


VetEnt is a nationwide enterprise of vet clinics across New Zealand. Their website has newsletters, and factsheets with information on animal health and disease management for the urban an rural sectors.


Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) is an international network of experienced and qualified animal behaviour counsellors who work on referral from veterinary surgeons. They run seminars and workshops for members, veterinarians and members of the public.


Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC)  is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library. It links to publications and resources related to animal welfare. Browse using keywords such as companion animals or go to Topic – animals and livestock.


MedlinePlus: Pet Health  Access to articles on animal health and diseases that can affect humans.


Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) provides veterinarians and other animal health professionals with concise and authoritative information on diseases and management of food-producing, companion, laboratory, and exotic animals.


Washington State University has a pet health topics website that provides general healthcare information on companion animals and resources to help with topics such as anatomy and diseases.


World Organisation for Animal Health provides a global view on animal health and welfare.


World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) is a global community of veterinarians who work towards advancing the health and welfare of companion animals and veterinary services.

Law and Ethics


New Zealand Legislation. The authoritative source of acts, bills, and legislative instruments.


Privacy Commissioner. Promotes the Privacy Act and codes of practice.


The following Committees were established under the Animal Welfare Act to provide independent advice to the Government minister responsible for animal welfare.

National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC) gives advice on ethical and animal welfare issues relating to the use of animals in research, testing, and teaching; provides information and advice to animal ethics committees; makes recommendations to the Director-General of MPI, concerning the codes of ethical conduct under which animal research is carried out.

National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) gives advice on such areas as the welfare of animals, animal welfare research needs, legislative proposals, codes of welfare, regulations, traps and devices and hunting and killing animals in a wild state.