This is the latest edition of the New Zealand Building Code published in 2014. This is has been published in accordance with the Building Act 2004. Click on the Building Code to read.
Charlotte Flaherty :: Mechanical Engineering Technologist! Study Life To Working Life :: EPISODE 2
SafetyHub Training Videos
Safetyhub contains a comprehensive library of workplace health and safety and skills training videos. The occupational health and safety videos are relevant for New Zealand workplace
This section contains information about WorkSafe New Zealand, including information about our role, our history and governance structure. It also contains our corporate publications and latest campaigns.
Concrete NZ is a highly respected and valued association, supporting industry to position concrete as the resilient construction material of choice for a modern New Zealand.
LINZ responsibilities include managing land titles, geodetic and cadastral survey systems, topographic information, hydrographic information, managing Crown property and supporting government decision making around foreign ownership.
Comprehensive collection of full-text articles and bibliographic records covering the fields of
computing and information technology. The full-text database includes; journals, conference proceedings, magazines, newsletters and multimedia titles.
This database provides full text access to twenty-five highly cited and peer-reviewed journals in the area of technology, engineering and science including IEEE Spectrum.
Provides access to exclusive content from Engineers Australia (EA) and the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ), as well as other publishers. Includes full text resources covering; civil and construction, electrical, mechanical, and environmental and roads and transport engineering.