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Author: Ahomiro, Phoenix Waimarie
Title: Māori nursing workforce development
Date: 2022
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Ahomiro, P. W. (2022). Māori nursing workforce development [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Atoni, Fiona Faasologa
Title: Moana, Malaga, Mālama: The ocean that connects us - the journey - the insights and learning: Improving mental health outcomes through identifying strategies for emotional distress in 12–24-year-old people who identify as Tokelau living in urban Aotearoa New Zealand: A critical review
Date: 2020
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Atoni, F. F. (2020). Moana, Malaga, Mālama: The ocean that connects us - the journey - the insights and learning: Improving mental health outcomes through identifying strategies for emotional distress in 12–24-year-old people who identify as Tokelau living in urban Aotearoa New Zealand: A critical review [Praxis research project, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Beaumont, Susan
Title: What informs practising social workers for engagement with diversity in an Aotearoa New Zealand context?
Date: 2018
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Beaumont, S. (2018). What informs practising social workers for engagement with diversity in an Aotearoa New Zealand context? [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Benge, Amanda Hailey
Title: The management of grief and loss by New Zealand veterinary nurses
Date: 2023
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Benge, A. H. (2023). The management of grief and loss by New Zealand veterinary nurses [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic & Wellington Institute of Technology]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Bettridge, Frances Marie
Title: Aotearoa addiction nurses: Exploring reflective practice development and wellbeing
Date: 2024
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Bettridge, F. M. (2024). Aotearoa addiction nurses: Exploring reflective practice development and wellbeing [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.