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Author: Galesloot, Marion
Title: Factors leading to an optimal orientation experience for nurses newly employed by Well Child Provider, Plunket
Date: 2017
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Galesloot, M. (2017). Factors leading to an optimal orientation experience for nurses newly employed by Well Child Provider, Plunket [Praxis research project, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Garcia-Hernandez, Elena
Title: International students at two urban polytechnics in New Zealand: Challenges and strategies
Date: 2018
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Garcia-Hernandez, E. (2018). International students at two urban polytechnics in New Zealand: Challenges and strategies [Master’s thesis, Wellington Institute of Technology]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Garton, Anna
Title: Registered nurses' experiences of patient death while working as a student in a clinical setting
Date: 2021
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Garton, A. (2021). Registered nurses' experiences of patient death while working as a student in a clinical setting [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Glover, Stuart
Title: Are we ready for terrorism? Ambulance service personnel individual perceptions of preparedness
Date: 2021
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Glover, S. (2021). Are we ready for terrorism? Ambulance service personnel individual perceptions of preparedness [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Gounder, Kevin
Title: A descriptive study of the experiences of migrant Indo-Fijian nurses transitioning to practice in New Zealand
Date: 2016
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Gounder, K. (2016). A descriptive study of the experiences of migrant Indo-Fijian nurses transitioning to practice in New Zealand [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Grace, Jeanette Hinerangi
Title: The consideration of iwi in Māori research frameworks: A systematic review
Date: 2018
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Grace, J. (2018). The consideration of iwi in Māori research frameworks: A systematic review [Praxis research project, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Gunther, Shelley Marie
Title: Factors contributing to lifelong learning for support workers who have completed a national certificate mental health and addiction support programme
Date: 2017
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Gunther, S. M. (2017). Factors contributing to lifelong learning for support workers who have completed a national certificate mental health and addiction support programme [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Hann, Danielle
Title: Primary care nurses' experiences of engaging with and supporting young people with their mental health
Date: 2022
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Hann, D. (2022). Primary care nurses' experiences of engaging with and supporting young people with their mental health [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Harding, Carl
Title: Exploring the experiences of 3rd year nursing students in the intellectual disability clinical field
Date: 2024
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Harding, C. (2024). Exploring the experiences of 3rd year nursing students in the intellectual disability clinical field [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic & Wellington Institute of Technology, Te Pūkenga]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Harris, Lisa
Title: The experiences for Pacific women utilising gynaecology outpatient surgical services in one region of New Zealand
Date: 2017
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Harris, L. (2017). The experiences for Pacific women utilising gynaecology outpatient surgical services in one region of New Zealand [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Harrison, Jacqueline Ann
Title: Building bridges: Migrant caregivers’ experiences in an aged residential care facility in Ireland
Date: 2019
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Harrison, J. (2019). Building bridges: Migrant caregivers’ experiences in an aged residential care facility in Ireland [Master’s thesis, Wellington Institute of Technology]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Hay, Amanda Louise
Title: Youth work in Aotearoa New Zealand: Sustaining and educating workers for a newly professionalised sector
Date: 2018
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Hay, A. (2018). Youth work in Aotearoa New Zealand: Sustaining and educating workers for a newly professionalised sector [Master’s thesis, Wellington Institute of Technology]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Hocking, Suzanne
Title: Adaptive and dysfunctional emotional detachment in Australasian paramedics
Date: 2021
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Hocking, S. (2021). Adaptive and dysfunctional emotional detachment in Australasian paramedics [Master’s thesis, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.
Author: Houkamau, Natasha
Title: Strategies used by mental health nurses to maintain professional boundaries within the forensic clinical setting: A systematic reviewto maintain professional boundaries within the forensic clinical setting: A systematic review
Date: 2020
Abstract and PDF Link: Link to library catalogue
Houkamau, N. (2020). Strategies used by mental health nurses to maintain professional boundaries within the forensic clinical setting: A systematic review [Praxis research project, Whitireia Community Polytechnic]. Whitireia and WelTec Theses Collection.