Whether you realise it or not, research is something you do all the time. Finding out about your favourite celebrity, what movies are showing at the cinema, or investigating the best headphones to buy are all forms of research! However, the places you look for information in your daily life are not the same as the sources you should consult for your assignments.
When you are writing assignments you are required to think carefully about a subject. Before you begin writing down ideas, you need to do some research to support what it is you are trying to say. This is the research process and involves several steps that need to be worked through.
This guide will discuss the steps that you would take in this research process, and provide you with some tips to help you identify sources that are appropriate for your studies.
Research image by luckey_sun - found on Flickr provided by CC Licence
These steps in the research process will help you to find and evaluate information and on how you would write and reference your assignments.
1. Understand your question
2. Develop your plan
3. Find the information you need, including Māori research
4. Evaluate the information you found
5. Organise, write and present your work
6. Cite and reference your information sources as you write
Would you like help to find information and research or with your APA referencing?
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