ClinicalKey for Nursing and ClinicalKey Student are subscription-based databases. Therefore you need to be current Äkonga or kaimahi at Whitireia/WelTec.
Make sure you are accessing the database through Moodle or the Library website (check that Whitireia is in the URL). Please do not google Clinicalkey as it will not recognise that you are from our institute i.e.
Resetting Your Password
Clinicalkey Nursing
If you have trouble logging in, you can reset your password:
Clinicalkey Student
If you have trouble logging in, you can reset your password:
When you use a browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, or MS Edge etc, it saves information from websites in its cache and cookies. The 'cache' is a tool used by your browser to speed up the page loading process. Sometimes this can cause issues with loading and formatting.
If you have trouble accessing Clinicalkey (usually on a personal device or work laptop or PC) and you know it isn't your password, consider clearing your cache and cookies.
e.g. Chrome
If you have never accessed a Clinicalkey database before and want to access Clinicalkey Student
Whitireia -
WelTec -
Have you accessed the Clinicalkey databases before?
Due to a change at the end of 2022, some books are no longer available in the Clinicalkey for Nursing database, but they should be available in the Clinicalkey Student database. Therefore search for the title in ClinicalKey Student.
If you're having trouble accessing ClinicalKey, or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the library team! You can:
call 0800 141 121
or pop into one of our campus libraries.