This guide focuses on anxiety and studying. It includes:
Check out the Assistive Technology & Tools page to learn about some tools that could be useful white during your study. |
The Anxiety Cycle in 2 Minutes by Therapy in a Nutshell
Anxiety is a natural response to a distressing or threatening situations, or perceived danger. Many people know they feel anxious but may find it difficult to identify the exact cause of their anxiety.
Sometimes anxiety can be useful. say that when you are in a distressing or threatening situation, your body responds to focus your attention, sharpen your reflexes and prepare your body to react. This usually settles once the perceived threat is gone.
Different people can experience anxiety in different ways. Common symptoms of anxiety include: say that anxiety is when the above symptoms don't go away, when they are extreme compared to the situation, or when you can't control them. We all get anxious at times, but when the feelings don't go away, it is a good idea to seek support.
Anxiety can be managed and/or reduced with the right support and strategies.
Some of the benefits of having anxiety
Amen Clinics (2021, Nov 8)
These strategies might be useful to help you manage your study
Talk about your learning preference |
Check out your learning environment |
Figure out your self-soothing techniques |
Prepare for class |
Write to-do lists / menus |
To-do lists or menus are great because they can help you see what needs to be done, and can help you stay on track.
Find a study buddy |
Take a moment: Choose one or two learning strategies to try this week.
These teaching strategies may be helpful for students who experience anxiety.
Create supportive learning environments |
Talk about anxiety with your students |
Use visual cues |
Develop consistent and predictable routines |
Classroom practices |
Interrupt the build up |
Want to check if you might have anxiety?
This self-assessment can give you an idea of whether you might have anxiety. It shouldn't be used to diagnose yourself. Talk to your Disability Advisor for more information.
Think about the last two weeks. Do the following statements sound like your experiences?
I often feel nervous, anxious or on edge
I worry too much about different things
I am often unable to stop or control my worrying
Think about the last two weeks. Do the following statements sound like your experiences?
Think about the last two weeks. Do the following statements sound like your experiences?
I often feel sick
I often feel panicked and overwhelmed
As a student at Whitireia and WelTec, you can access support to help your manage your anxiety.
Call or text 1737 to talk to a professional for FREE. This service is also available in other languages.
What is the cycle of anxiety? by Therapist Aid
Check out these nine useful apps to help with anxiety published by Healthline
Small Steps is a resource that you can use to maintain, manage, or improve your mental wellbeing.
Anxiety NZ provide mental health support, treatment and education. They have useful resources for learning about and managing anxiety.
Image credit: Possessed Photography. (2019, September 8). Rerouting [Photograph]. Unsplash.