This guide focuses on Sensory Processing Sensitivity and studying. It includes:
Check out the Assistive Technology & Tools page to learn about some tools that could be useful white during your study. |
Sensitivity is a basic human trait. It describes the ability to perceive, process and react to information in the environment.
Sensitivity consists of two basic components:
Image credit: Untitled [Illustration]. Heal Your Nervous System.
Sensitivity is on a scale and flowers can help us to understand how it works.
Although everyone is sensitive to some extent, some people are more sensitive than others. Simply put, highly sensitive people are those who are more strongly influenced by what they experience. This is what we refer to as Sensory Processing Sensitivity, also known as Environmental Sensitivity.
Image credit: Tiffany Stenger and Kaaryn Cater (2021).
Here are tips to make it easier for your brain to process visual information.
Talk about your learning preference |
Check out your learning environment |
Tint Your Screens |
Prepare for your study |
Create to-do lists / menus |
To-do lists or menus are great because they can help you see what needs to be done, and can help you stay on track.
Be creative |
Take advantage of your creative strengths.
Manage stress and anxiety |
Check out this video for tools on managing stress and anxiety through neuroscience |
Take a moment: Choose one or two learning strategies to try this week.
The best things you can do to support your students with Sensory Processing Sensitivity are:
These strategies may be useful when teaching students with Sensory Processing Sensitivity
Create supportive learning environments |
Provide flexible teaching and learning options |
Develop predictable routines |
Give clear instructions and information |
Present content in different and engaging ways |
Want to check if you might be a Highly Sensitive Person
Click the arrow on the right to answer some questions
If you answer yes to three or more of these questions, then you might be experiencing the effects of Sensory Processing Sensitivity.
This self-assessment can give you an idea of whether you might have Sensory Processing Sensitivity. It shouldn't be used to diagnose yourself. Talk to your Disability Advisor for more information.
Did you know that Whitireia and Weltec can show you how to assess your level of sensitivity?
The Gentle Power of Highly Sensitive People by Elena Herdieckerhoff
Cater, K. (2022). The benefits and challenges of environmental sensitivity for postsecondary learners: Implications for education policy, practice and institutions. [Doctoral dissertation, university of the Sunshine Coast]. (2020). About sensitivity.
Image citation: Possessed Photography. (2019, September 8). Rerouting [Photograph]. Unsplash.