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Nursing: Databases

Journal Articles

Journal articles are excellent sources for current and scholarly information.  They are found in journals. Journals are mostly accessed via library databases.

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General Databases

EBSCOhost. Includes multiple databases with a wide subject coverage. Search individual databases or select multiple databases and search at one time. Relevant databases are:

  • Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre Plus - Accesses leading Australian, New Zealand and international journals, including those covering nursing and allied health
  • CINAHL Complete - Covers nursing and allied health topics with full text journals and evidence-based care sheets
  • Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition - Provides scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines
  • Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection - Covers information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes etc

  • Sociology Source Ultimate - Covers aspects of human behavior and interaction. Topics range from gender identity, marriage and family, to demographics, political sociology, religion and socio-cultural anthropology

  • SPORTDiscus - Gives comprehensive coverage for sports and sports medicine journals

Click here for an EBSCOhost guide.

ERIC. The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) is an online library of educational research and information, supported by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education. 

Gale Database Suite. Contains full text articles and reference sources including interactive databases. Search across a wide range of academic topics or select specialised individual databases such as Gale Interactive Human Anatomy.

ProQuest Academic. Provides access to databases across all major subject areas including nursing and health. The collection includes dissertations, working papers and scholarly journals. Holds the Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health and Social Services (2020- present) previously known as Whitireia Nursing & Health Journal (2013 – 2019), Whitireia Nursing Journal (1994 - 2012).

Science Direct. Provides articles on scientific, technical and health research. 

Wiley Online Library. Full text access to The Journal of Advanced Nursing. All others have abstracts only. Covers subjects areas such as nursing, health, social, and physical sciences.


Nursing Databases

Clinicalkey for Nursing. Supports nurses and health professionals by providing up to date evidence-based and point of care clinical information. Includes ebooks, journals, drug information, clinical overviews and more. 

Click here for a guide on how to access, use and troubleshoot the Clinicalkey databases.

Cochrane Library*. Consists of a collection of evidence-based medicine databases including systematic reviews in health care. It provides up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care and evidence to support decisions taken in health care and to inform those receiving care

DynaMed Plus. Provides evidence-based content to help clinicians in their daily practice.

EBSCOhost databases specific to nursing and allied health:

CINAHL Complete covers nursing and allied health topics with full text journals. Includes Counselling Psychology Quarterly

CINAHL Ultimate is the definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text as well as quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU models and research instruments.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic provides access to scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines

MEDLINE Complete provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection covers information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational & experimental methods

Sociology Source Ultimate covers aspects of human behavior and interaction. Topics range from gender identity, marriage and family, to demographics, political sociology, religion and socio-cultural anthropology


Joanna Briggs’ Evidence Based Practice Database*. (JBI EBP). Provides best practice resources to inform nursing practice. 

Lippincott Advisor is the "Why" to the Lippincott Procedures "How". It is written by nurses and gives instant access to evidence-based clinical information at the point of care. It answers questions about diseases, diagnostic tests, treatments, signs and symptoms. It has localised content for Australia and New Zealand which is being updated and added to regularly.

Lippincott Procedures*. Gives access to evidence-based nursing procedure guidance tailored to New Zealand DHBs and retirement hospitals.

Lippincott Journal Collection.  Holds over 25 premium journals, one of the leading sources of scholarly medical, nursing, and health science information. 

Nursing Reference Center Plus. Provides evidence-based information for point of care, continuing education, nursing skills, drug information and nursing practice.

PubMed. Indexes medical, nursing and health care articles. Contains citations and author abstracts with links to some free full text articles.

* not searchable via the Search Everything filter 

Journal Articles

A selection of articles on a variety of topics. Copy and paste the article title into the search box on the library homepage. Click the down arrow next to the search box to select the Search Everything filter. 

Barton, P. (2018). The elephant in the room: Nursing and Māori health disparities. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 24(4), 17-19,43.

Bennett, D., Gilchrist, C. A., Menzies, R. L., Harwood, M., Kingi, T. K., Carr, P. A., Morton, S., & Grant, C. C. (2022). Determinants of exclusive breastfeeding for wāhine Māori. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1555), 73-87.

Came, H., McCreanor, T., Manson, L., & Nuku, K. (2019). Upholding Te Tiriti, ending institutional racism and crown inaction on health equity. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1492), 61-66.

Came, H., O'Sullivan, D., Kidd, J., & McCreanor, T. (2020). The Waitangi Tribunal’s WAI 2575 report: Implications for decolonizing health systems. Health and Human Rights Journal, 22(1), 209-220. 

Curtis, E., Jones, R., Tipene-Leach, D., Walker, C., Loring, B., Paine, S., & Reid, P. (2019). Why cultural safety rather than cultural competency is required to achieve health equity: A literature review and recommended definition. International Journal for Equity in Health, 18(1), Article 174.

Davies, C., Timu-Parata, C., Stairmand, J., Robson, B., Kvalsvig, A., Lum, D., & Signal, V. (2022). A kia ora, a wave and a smile: An urban marae-led response to COVID-19, a case study in manaakitanga. International Journal of Equity in Health, 21, 1-11. 

Espiner, E., Paine, S., Weston, M., & Curtis, E. (2021). Barriers and facilitators for Māori in accessing hospital services in Aotearoa New Zealand. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 134(1546), 47-58. 

Graham, R., & Masters‐Awatere, B. (2020). Experiences of Māori of Aotearoa New Zealand's public health system: A systematic review of two decades of published qualitative research. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44(3), 193-200.

Hayes, R. (2016). Whānau ora: A Māori health strategy to support whanau in Aotearoa. Whitireia Nursing & Health Journal, 23, 25-29. 

Hunter, K., & Cook, C. (2020). Cultural and clinical practice realities of Māori nurses in Aotearoa New Zealand: The emotional labour of indigenous nurses. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 36(3), 7-23.

Kukutai, T., Prickett, K., Atatoa-Carr, P., & Rata, A. (2020). Family structure and change in early childhood and the wellbeing of tamariki Māori. New Zealand Population Review, 46, 70–99.

Masters-Awatere, B., & Graham, R. (2019). Whānau Māori explain how the Harti Hauora Tool assists with better access to health services. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 25(5), 471-477.

McBride-Henry, K., Roguski, M., Miller, C., Kim, V. W., & Saravanakumar, P. (2022). Re-orientating health and nursing care: A qualitative study on indigenous conceptualisations of wellbeing. BMC Nursing, 21, 1-12.

Middleton, L., Tanuvasa, A. F., Pledger, M., Grace, N., Smiler, K., Loto-Su'a, T. T., & Cumming, J. (2019). Widening participation of Māori and Pasifika students in health careers: Evaluation of two health science academies. Australian Health Review, 43(3), 352-359.

Mullane, T., Harwood, M., Warbrick, I., Tane, T., & Anderson, A. (2022). Understanding the workforce that supports Māori and Pacific peoples with type 2 diabetes to achieve better health outcomes. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 672-672.

Roberts, J. (2019). Kawa Whakaruruhau: Has its intent been Lost? Kawa Whakaruruhau needs to recapture its original intent and cultural safety needs redefining, argues a nursing policy adviser. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 25(11), 14-15.

Stevenson, K., Filoche, S., Cram, F., & Lawton, B. (2020). Te Hā o Whānau: A culturally responsive framework of maternity care. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1517), 66-72.

Tane, T., Selak, V., Hawkins, K., Lata, V., Murray, J., Nicholls, D., Peihopa, A., Rice, N., & Harwood, M. (2021). Māori and Pacific peoples' experiences of a Māori-led diabetes programme. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 134(1543), 79-89.

Tapera, R., Harwood, M., & Anderson, A. (2017). A qualitative Kaupapa Māori approach to understanding infant and young child feeding practices of Māori and Pacific grandparents in Auckland, New Zealand. Public Health Nutrition, 20(6), 1090-1098. 

Theodore, R., Bowden, N., Kokaua, J., Ruhe, T., Hobbs, M., Hetrick, S., Marek, L., Wiki, J., Milne, B., Thabrew, H., & Boden, J. (2022). Mental health inequities for Māori youth: A population-level study of mental health service data. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1567), 79-90.

Tind, A. M., Hoeck, B., Andersen, H. E., Qvistgaard, L. W., & Delmar, C. (2025). Nursing and social justice: A scoping review. Public Health Nursing42(1), 547-563.

Webber, M., & Macfarlane, A. (2020). Mana tangata: The five optimal cultural conditions for Māori student success. Journal of American Indian Education, 59(1), 26–49. jamerindieduc.59.1.0026 

Wiapo, C., & Clark, T. (2022). Weaving together the many strands of indigenous nursing leadership: Towards a whakapapa model of nursing leadership. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 38(2), 4-11.

Zambas, S. I., Dutch, S., & Gerrard, D. (2020). Factors influencing Māori student nurse retention and success: An integrative literature review. Nurse Education Today, 91, Article 104477.


A site where you can find specialist palliative care journals. Some journals listed are open access. Otherwise search for the article title in the search box on the library homepage using either the Journal Article or Search Everything filter.