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Paramedicine: Books/Ebooks

Books and eBooks

Below are book titles relevant to your programme. To find other books in your subject area, go to the Library homepage and type a known title or keywords in the search field. 

  • Select the Library Catalogue filter to locate books on the Library shelves
  • Select the Search Everything filter to locate print and online resources i.e. books/ebooks, journal articles and more

Or go directly to eBooks databases (see below).

For searching tips and strategies go to the Finding information and Research tab.

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Sign in with your student email address and network password (the same password as Moodle) 

Clinicalkey for Nursing

Clinicalkey for Nursing 

Clinical Key for Nursing (CKN) provides access to e-books, journals, clinical overviews, drug monographs and other sources designed to support clinical decision making for nurses and health professionals including paramedicine. Clinicalkey guide.

Tutor Recommendations


Human Development


Clinicalkey Student

Clinicalkey Student 

Clinicalkey Student is an interactive platform that provides access to core and supplementary nursing textbooks, as well as study tools, images and video resources. Clinicalkey guide.

Fundamentals of Paramedicine

Evidence-Based Practice

Primary Care

ProQuest eBook Central

ProQuest eBook Central 

ProQuest's eBook Central library provides more than 600,000 titles from over 600 authoritative publishers that can be accessed electronically, online and offline through the flexible platform.  ProQuest eBook Central guide.

EBSCO eBooks

EBSCOhost eBooks

This includes EBSCO's eBook Collection, eBook Academic Collection, and eBook Open Access (OA) Collection



Medical Terminology

Critical Thinking and Critical Reflection


Palliative Care and Chronic Illness


Bridget Williams Publishers eBook Collection

This provides access to eBook collections on topics of New Zealand interest including Te Tiriti o Waitangi, New Zealand history, Māori history, women’s history, critical contemporary issues, and New Zealand sign language

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Māori and Indigenous

Ethics and Law

Mental Health