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Paramedicine: Emergency Ambulance Service Clinicial Practice Guidelines

How to Reference the Guidelines

There is an app version and an online version of the Emergency Ambulance Service Clinicial Practice Guidelines. This is how you would reference them in your assignments.

App version of the Guidelines

Treat the app version like an entry in a mobile app reference work.

In-text citation

Narrative citation - when the citation is part of your sentence

National Ambulance Sector Clinical Working Group (2023) states that ...

Parenthetical citation - when the citation is inside round brackets and is within or at the end of your sentence

... most patients (National Ambulance Sector Clinical Working Group, 2023).

Reference list entry

National Ambulance Sector Clinical Working Group. (2023). Myocardial ischaemia CPG EAS 3.2. In Emergency Ambulance Service Clinical Practice Guidelines (Version 1.0.5) [Mobile app]. App Store.


  • This is referenced in a similar way to a chapter in an edited book
  • Author: Group author. The CPGs are developed by a Working Group and are the intellectual property of this Working Group so they are the author
  • Date: This is the year of the version you are using
  • Title: This is the title of the entry and its CPG EAS number
  • Source: The word In followed by the title of the work, which is in italics as it is the name of the whole work. Treat the title of the work as a proper noun so there are capital letters for the main words. Include the version of the app used. This is in round brackets, followed by a description of the format [Mobile app] and the app store. Provide a URL

Online version of the Guidelines

Treat the online version like an entry in a reference work.

In-text citation

Narrative citation - when the citation is part of your sentence

National Ambulance Sector Clinical Working Group (2023) states that ...

Parenthetical citation - when the citation is inside round brackets and is within or at the end of your sentence

... most patients (National Ambulance Sector Clinical Working Group, 2023).

Reference list entry

National Ambulance Sector Clinical Working Group. (2023). Myocardial ischaemia CPG EAS 3.2. In Emergency Ambulance Service Clinical Practice Guidelines. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from


  • Author: Group author. The CPGs are developed by a Working Group and are the intellectual property of this Working Group so they are the author
  • Date: This is the year of the version you are using
  • Title: This is the title of the entry and its CPG EAS number
  • Source: The word In followed by the title of the work, which is in italics as it is the name of the whole work. Treat the title of the work as a proper noun so there are capital letters for the main words. If the publisher and the author are the same, omit from the source element to avoid repetition. As the guidelines are updated regularly and are not archived, include a retrieval statement. This is written as Retrieved month day, year, from. The date is when you accessed the information. Provide a URL