Kia ora and welcome to the subject guide for Paramedicine.
It provides books, journal articles, databases, websites and multimedia resources relevant to your study and research.
Hauora: Report on Stage One of the Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry (WAI 2575). Also a physical copy is available in the library at 362.1 WAI
Kāinga Kore: The Stage One Report of the Housing Policy and Services: Kaupapa Inquiry on Māori Homelessness (WAI 2750) available in the library at 362.5 NEW
The Waitangi Tribunal’s WAI 2575 report: Implications for decolonizing health systems
See the Research guide's Data Sovereignty tab for information on Māori data sovereignty.
Pitama, S., Robertson, P., Cram, F., Gillies, M., Huria, T., & Dallas-Katoa, W. (2007). Meihana Model: A clinical assessment framework. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 36(3), 118–125.
Pacific Health Models
See the Nursing Pacific subject guide for models such as Fonofale, Fonua, Seitapu.
The Ottawa Charter. In 1986 in Ottawa, Canada, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed an approach to improve the health of populations and individuals. This is known as the Ottawa Charter and is used in New Zealand as a framework for planning public health.
Cultural Safety Training Plan for Vocational Medicine in Aotearoa (2023). Research to better understand actions medical colleges are taking to support cultural safety and health equity.
Knowledge and attitudes of health professionals on Rongoā Māori in hospitals: Technical report (Māori Collection, 615.32 MAR)
Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Ambulance Team monthly report January 2024
Health Status Report. Provides a detailed nationwide picture of the health of the people of Aotearoa New Zealand in 2023.
State of the Nation 2025: Kai, Kāinga, Whānau. A report by the Social Policy & Parliamentary Unit of the Salvation Army. It focuses on people in our society and how they are doing. It researches trends across a range of issues that impact on the wellbeing of indiviuals and whānau.
Te Kaunihera Manapou Paramedic Council. Annual Report 2023
New Zealand Resuscitation Council. ANZCOR Guideline 12.2 set by the council including:
Te Kaunihera Manapou Paramedic Council is the regulatory authority responsible for the registration of paramedics. Its primary function is to protect the health and safety of members of the public by ensuring that paramedics are competent and fit to practise. It includes:
NZ CPG. View and download the Clinical Procedures and Guidelines. There is the option to use either the website version or the app versions from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996. (NZ Legislation version)
The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights (Website version)
Atkins, S., & Murphy, K. (1993). Reflection: A review of the literature. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18, 1188-1192.
(Available in the library. To access, click here)
The Health New Zealand Ambulance team commissions emergency ambulance services to help New Zealanders get the emergency care they need.
Action Plans
Mental Health and Addiction Workforce Plan 2024-2027 Health New Zealand's plan to grow the mental health workforce in New Zealand.
Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020-2025 is the implementation plan for He Korowai Oranga, New Zealand’s Māori Health Strategy – it will help us achieve better health outcomes for Māori by setting the government’s direction for Māori health advancement over the next five years
Equity of Health Care for Māori: A Framework. The framework guides health practitioners, health organisations and the health system to achieve equitable health care for Māori through leadership, knowledge and commitment.
A Framework for Health Literacy. The Ministry of Health developed this framework because it is committed to a health system that enables everyone living in New Zealand to live well and keep well. Building health literacy is an important part of this.
Te Hiringa Hauora research framework: Health promotion research at the interface of mātauranga Māori and Western science (Māori Collection, 353.6274 RAT)
Oranga Hinengaro System and Service Framework identifies the core components of a contemporary mental health and addiction system with a 10-year view. It provides guidance for those responsible for publicly funded health system policy, design, service commissioning, and delivery.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi Framework. The Ministry of Health’s Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Te Tiriti) Framework provides an updated expression of the Crown’s Te Tiriti obligations in the context of the health and disability system.
Westenra, B. (2019). A framework for cultural safety in paramedic practice. Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health & Social Services, 26, 11-17.
Matenga, G., & Westenra, B. (2022). How can paramedics integrate the Hui Process and Meihana Model into their practice to provide better healthcare for Māori? Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health & Social Services, 29, 59-67.
Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy sets out a shared understanding of what children and young people need and want in order to be well, what government is and should be doing to support them, and how we must work together.
New Zealand Health Strategy sets out how New Zealand's health system can improve people’s access to and experiences of health services so that everyone benefits
Three steps to meeting health literacy needs-Ngā toru hīkoi e mōhiotia ai te hauora. A guide from the Health Quality & Safety Commission for health professionals that provides a process to follow eith every person in every health care discussion.
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174.2 | Ethics |
362.12 | Community Health |
610.73 | Nursing |
610.73072 | Nursing Research |
612 | Anatomy and Physiology |
615.1 | Pharmacology |
616.025 | Paramedicine |
616.07 | Pathophysiology |
616.89 | Mental Health Nursing |
618.97 | Geriatric Nursing and Gerontology |