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Nursing - Māori: Anti-Racism Resources

Ministry of Health-Manatū Hauora

Ao Mai te Rā: The Anti-Racism Kaupapa

The Ministry of Health’s Ao Mai te Rā anti-racism initiative supports the health system to better understand, react and respond to racism in health.

Te Tiriti-based Futures + Anti-racism


Recordings of previous conferences can also be found on their YouTube channel here.

Books and eBooks

STIR (Stop Institutional Racism) Resources

STIR is a nationwide network of public health professionals and activist scholars committed to ending institutional racism within the administration of the public health sector. They have a list of recommended resources

Video & Multimedia

Academic Video Online. Academic Video Online (AVON) provides unlimited remote access to videos, including those on racism and antiracism.

eTV provides programmes recorded off-air from domestic and international television and internet channels that can be viewed and downloaded.