Some eBooks will give you the option to download. This means you can still access them even when you're not connected to the internet.
You can choose to download a specific chapter as a PDF or download the whole book as an EPUB.
1. Click on the Download Book button on the book details page to get started.
If you're not already signed in to the library, you will be prompted to do so. Use your institutional email/password.
2. Select what device you are using, then click Continue
3. Downloaded eBooks are accessed through Adobe Digital Editions. If you already have this, click 'Done with this step'. If you don't, click on the 'Get Adobe Digital Editions' button. It will take you to the Adobe Downloads page for ADE - this app is free, and is required for reading books offline.
4. Select your loan length and file type, then click Download
You loan length options are:
- 1 day
- 7 days
- 14 days
- 21 days
Open the .acm file to begin.
Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) is required in order to download a book as an EPUB.
It's free to download! Click here to find the correct version of ADE for your device.
Downloading an eBook is similar to issuing a book at the library. You don't get it forever, just for an allocated amount of time.
When it's due, you don't need to do anything. The eBook will just expire from your Adobe Digital Editions reader.
If you're having trouble accessing Proquest eBook Central, or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the library team! You can:
call 0800 141 121
or pop into one of our campus libraries.