When you click on the Proquest eBook Central link, it will take you to the homepage above.
To begin a basic search, enter you keywords into the search bar OR click on the advanced search button underneath for more searching options.
To complete an advanced search:
Books owned by our library have available in their record:
Books not owned by the library have available on request. You get 5 minutes to read the eBook, then the library has the option to buy it:
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call 0800 141 121
email LSS@wandw.ac.nz
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Use quotation marks to treat words as a phrase, e.g. "cultural diversity" or "supply chain".
Use an asterisk to search multiple endings at once, e.g. use employ* to search for employee, employer, employment.
Wild Card
Use a question mark to replace a letter, to search all variations of spelling for a word, e.g. coloni?ation for searching both colonisation and colonization.
Boolean Operators
Use these to combine or exclude or exclude terms to narrow your search
AND - When you want to include all terms. Each hit should contain both words e.g. falls AND prevent* (This narrows the search)
OR - Each hit will contain one or the other term. They may or may not appear in the same record. This is where you can include synonyms (alternative words)e.g. elderly OR older OR aged (This broadens the search)
NOT - Each hit will exclude this word e.g. Australia (This narrows the search)