Information from New Zealand and international governments, professional associations and organisations
Key Palliative Care Organisations - Organisations and websites working in the area of palliative care
National Palliative Care Work Programme - Working to ensure palliative and end-of-life care meets the needs of all New Zealanders and their whānau
Palliative Care - Information on Te Whatu Ora's national palliative care work
Capital & Coast District Health Board has two distinct roles:
Support for Māori and Pacific Nurses - Capital & Coast District Health Board
Hutt Valley District Health Board (HVDHB) works with other health care providers to plan, fund, and provide a range of healthcare services for people in the Hutt Valley.
Ministry of Health is the Government's primary advisor on health policy and disability support services. It gives access to reports, statistics, and legislation about the health of New Zealanders.
Australian governmental information and resources on palliative care.
CareSearch consolidates online palliative care knowledge for health professionals, people needing palliative care and their families, and for the general community (Australian).
UK governmental information and resources for health and social care professionals to improve the quality of services and reduce inequalities in care.
Aged Care Association is an advocate for the aged care sector. The site has publications, promotes workshops and conferences, ARC documents such as the ARC funding model review (2018) and more.
Ageing Well National Science Challenge are a team of researchers, scientists and associated stakeholders tackling important age-related issues across Aotearoa New Zealand. They have Tapinga 'a Maama' which is information on improving end-of-life care for Pacific Peoples and for aiga supporting them.
bpacNZ advocates for best practice in healthcare treatments and investigations across a wide range of health service delivery areas.
Cancer Nurses College is committed to excellence in cancer nursing care in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Cancer Society supports people and their whānau in New Zealand
Community & Public Health. Information, resources and links around topics such as housing, drugs and alcohol, older persons health, nutrition, Māori health, Pacific health, youth mental health, well being and resilience and more.
Hospice New Zealand is the national organisation representing all hospice services in New Zealand.
Te Ipu Aronui support Māori whānau (families) to provide care to adults and kaumātua (older people) at end of life, as well as take care of whānau at the same time.
Mental Health Foundation. A charity that promotes positive mental health and wellbeing.
New Zealand Dementia Foundation exists to improve the lives of people affected by dementia. They are an independent, national organisation connecting professionals to promote best practice dementia care through leadership in the areas of research, education, support, advocacy and influence.
The New Zealand Formulary is an independent resource that provides health professionals with clinically validated medicines information and guidance on best practice.
The New Zealand Formulary for Children is an independent resource providing healthcare professionals with clinically validated medicines information and guidance on best practice, enabling healthcare professionals to select safe and effective medicines for individual children.
New Zealand Nursing Organisation supports professional nursing practice in New Zealand.
Nursing Council of New Zealand is the regulatory authority responsible for the registration of nurses. Its primary function is to protect the health and safety of members of the public by ensuring that nurses are competent and fit to practise.
Te Ora has information about the Mauri Mate framework, A Roadmap: A Māori Palliative Care Framework for Hospices and a Māori and Palliative Care Literature Review (Feb 2018)
Palliative Care Aotearoa Research Network (PCARN) is a national group of multidisciplinary clinicians, researchers and academic who promote clinical research and enquiry across palliative care services in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Palliative Care New Zealand (PCNZ) represents nurses from all care settings who work within the speciality of palliative care.
Pātaka Raraunga brings together data, tools, and reports on Te Āo Māori.
Te Rūnanga o Aotearoa (Te Rūnanga) alongside their Te Tiriti o Waitangi partner, the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO), represents Māori health professional members.
The Health Quality & Safety Commission has information on their work such as advanced care planning and more.
Cancer Research UK are the world's largest independent cancer charity who supports research on prevention diagnosis and treatment
The Cancer Nurses Society of Australia has annual reports, a strategic plan, policies and more.
International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care is an international association for Hospice & Palliative Care for the promotion and development of palliative care throughout the world
MacMillan Cancer Support is a UK organisation that supports people living with cancer.
Marie Curie is the UK's leading end of life charity who provides hospice care, support and shares research.
Palliverse is an Australian blog that discusses palliative care.
New Zealand Legislation. The authoritative source of acts, bills, and legislative instruments.
Privacy Commissioner. Promotes the Privacy Act and codes of practice.
Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) is the official report of debate in the House of Representatives. It’s produced by editors, who go into the debating chamber and report what politicians / members of Parliament (MPs) say. This ensures New Zealand’s democracy is accessible and transparent to everyone. You can Read Hansard reports and look at Hansard debate summaries.
Figure.NZ is a charitable organisation that makes New Zealand data easy to find and use.
NZ health data and statistics which is collected and produced by the Ministry of Health and the wider health sector
Stats NZ is New Zealand's official statistics agency. They collect information about New Zealand’s environment, economy and society. The information helps government, local councils, Māori, businesses, communities, researchers and the public to measure, and make decisions.
E-Tangata is an online Sunday magazine run by the Mana Trust, which is dedicated to building a stronger Māori and Pacific presence in the New Zealand media.