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Social Work: Home



Kia ora and welcome to the subject guide for Social Work.

It provides books, journal articles, databases, websites and multimedia resources relevant to your study and research. 

Action Plans, Frameworks, Models, Strategies

Action Plans

Every Life Matters. The Ministry of Health's Suicide Prevention Strategy 2019-2029 and Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2019-2024 for Aotearoa New Zealand.

Mental Health and Addiction Workforce Plan 2024-2027 Health New Zealand's plan to grow the mental health workforce in New Zealand. 

Ola Manuia: Pacific Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2020–2025. The government’s new national plan and commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of Pacific population living in Aotearoa New Zealand. This plan was informed by the previous Pacific health action plan Ala Mo’ui: Pathways to Pacific Health and Wellbeing 2014–2018.

Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020-2025. Ministry of Health. It describes outcomes, objectives and action areas to achieve pae ora (healthy futures) for Māori.


Equity of Health Care for Māori: A Framework. The framework guides health practitioners, health organisations and the health system to achieve equitable health care for Māori through leadership, knowledge and commitment.

A Framework for Health Literacy. The Ministry of Health developed this framework because it is committed to a health system that enables everyone living in New Zealand to live well and keep well. Building health literacy is an important part of this.

Mana Taiohi: Youth Development Principle-Based Framework (Ara Taiohi). A principle-based framework for people who work with young people in Aotearoa New Zealand, informed by the voices of young people and people who work with young people.

Oranga Hinengaro System and Service Framework identifies the core components of a contemporary mental health and addiction system with a 10-year view. It provides guidance for those responsible for publicly funded health system policy, design, service commissioning, and delivery.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi Framework. The Ministry of Health’s Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Te Tiriti) Framework provides an updated expression of the Crown’s Te Tiriti obligations in the context of the health and disability system.


Māori Centred Social Work Practice: Evidence Brief. Oranga Tamariki: Ministry of Children leadership, through its Professional Practice Group (PPG), has committed to move frontline social work practice to a Māori centred approach, using a mana-enhancing practice paradigm.


Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy sets out a shared understanding of what children and young people need and want in order to be well, what government is and should be doing to support them, and how we must work together.

New Zealand Disability Strategy. From the Office for Disability Issues, this strategy guides the work of government agencies on disability issues from 2016 to 2026. It includes goals and objectives to help improve health outcomes for Pacific peoples.

New Zealand Health Strategy. A Ministry of Health strategy that sets out how New Zealand's health system can improve people’s access to and experiences of health services so that everyone benefits

Three Steps to Meeting Health Literacy Needs-Ngā Toru Hīkoi e Mōhiotia ai te Hauora. A guide from the Health Quality & Safety Commission for health professionals that provides a process to follow with every person in every health care discussion. 


Ministry of Social Development Strategies that will make a bigger and better difference in people's lives.


The Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB) is a Crown entity which is the regulatory authority responsible for the registration of social workers. They have the following reports:

State of the Nation 2025: Kai, Kāinga, Whānau. A report by the Social Policy & Parliamentary Unit of the Salvation Army. It focuses on people in our society and how they are doing. It researches trends across a range of issues that impact on the wellbeing of indiviuals and whānau.

Codes, Standards, Regulations, Scope of Practice, Registration

ANZASW Membership ($30.45 per annum for Students)

Code of Ethics

Code of Conduct (Download)


Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996. (NZ Legislation version)

The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights (Website version)

Regulations are rules made by a government or a government agency. They deal with the detail and implementation i.e. how something set out in an Act should be done. This could refer to the technical side of things or for things that might change over time and need updating.


Ngā Paerewa Kaiakatanga Matua Core Competence Standards. The SWRB recognises core competencies that reflect practice standards accepted in social work in New Zealand. This link takes you to the ten core competence standards.

Scope of Practice. The Scope of Practice applies to practitioners working across all fields of practice and the breadth of social work roles. It supports a shared identity for social workers and establishes a common understanding of social work in New Zealand

Social Workers Registration Board. All social workers in New Zealand now need to be registered by the SWRB with mandatory registration in place (implemented February 27th, 2021). 

Health Models

Māori Health Models

  • Te Whare Tapa Whā – Mason Durie. 
  • Te Wheke – Rose Pere
  • Te Pae Mahutonga – Mason Durie
  • Meihana Model - see 

Pitama, S., Robertson, P., Cram, F., Gillies, M., Huria, T., & Dallas-Katoa, W. (2007). Meihana Model: A clinical assessment framework. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 36(3), 118–125.

Pacific Health Models

See the Nursing Pacific subject guide for models such as Fonofale, Fonua, Seitapu.


The Ottawa Charter. In 1986 in Ottawa, Canada, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed an approach to improve the health of populations and individuals. This is known as the Ottawa Charter and is used in New Zealand as a framework for planning public health.

Reflective Models

Atkins and Murphy Model of Reflection

Atkins, S., & Murphy, K. (1993). Reflection: A review of the literature. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18, 1188-1192. 

(Available in the library. To access, click here)

Gibb's Reflective Cycle

Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by doing:A guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford Brookes University. 

Johns' Structured Reflection

Rolfe et al. Reflective Model

Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D., & Jasper, M. (2001). Critical reflection for nursing and the helping professions: A user's guide. Palgrave. 

Otago Polytechnic has a Reflective writing guide which discusses the reflective model of Rolfe et al. (2001). This is found under the Reflective model tab. 

Tanner's Clinical Judgement Model

Tanner, C.  A. (2006). Thinking like a nurse: A research-based model of clinical judgment in nursing. Journal of Nursing Education, 45(6), 204-11. 

(Go to the library homepage and search for the article title. Select the Search Everything or click here).

Reflective Practice Resources

Check the index at the back of these books for the different models e,g. Gibbs or Johns etc

Learning Advisors

Want help with study skills, academic writing and time management? Take a look at the learner resources available or contact a Learning Advisor on

Books on the Library Shelves

150 Psychology
155 Developmental Psychology/Lifespan
174 Ethics
301 Sociology
305.8994 Tikanga Māori 
307.14 Community Development
361 Social Work
361.3 Research in Social Work
993 Treaty of Waitangi


New Books / eBooks

Māori Data Sovereignty

See the Research guide's Data Sovereignty tab for information on Māori data sovereignty.

Pacific Data Sovereignty

See the Research guide's Data Sovereignty tab for information on Pacific data sovereignty.